The Storm

Today, I’m inspired to share a poem with you. I wrote it at a time when my life was rocked with some turbulence. I pray it brings you rest in these turbulent times of our nation. I hope it gives you peace on a personal level too.

Rowing my own boat came to me naturally. 
However, the weather began to change,
Storm clouds gathered 
And the winds began raging. 

My boat rocked fiercely, 
Barely held up by the turbulent waters. 
Yet, I held on to it
Even though I knew it was capsizing. 

Above the storm’s din however, 
I could hear a reverberating whisper. 
It was the voice of my Master.
He says to me, “COME,

Step out of your boat,
Into the eye of the storm”
“Come, walk the depths with me,
Let go of the familiar, 

Let’s ride the waves together
You’re not a sailor. 
You’re a Water Walker… 
It sounds crazy. But I do believe Him. 

For I’ve come to my end
All I want to do now is to be held. 
Held by my Master 
As I walk on water.

Have a peaceful week.


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