Follow Me, HE said, What of Them? I Said

“Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord?” Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.””

‭‭JOHN‬ ‭21‬:‭21‬-‭22‬ ‭NLT 

The issue of comparison is one inescapable flaw of human nature. We are quick to seek out areas where others seem to be failing, or not doing as well as us. This gives us a warm feeling of satisfaction. On the flip side, when we consider ourselves on the negative side of our comparison, we feel low. At other times, comparison breeds fear in us. “If this could happen to this person, how safe am I then?”

This portion of scripture shows us the mind of Christ concerning comparison. And to that, He says, “You, follow me”. This depicts the truth that His purpose for each of us is tailor-made. He would be the one to lead us on this path, not others, and definitely not the experiences of others.

We often find ourselves questioning our unique walk with God because we’re charting our journey based on the experiences of others. Our Lord’s reply to our numerous questions is, 
“What is that to you? As for you, follow me”. 

* What is it to you that John wouldn’t be martyred? As for you, follow me.

* What is it to you that your brother has access to so much wealth? Whether he’s using it for the kingdom of God or not, is none of your business. You, follow me.

* What is it to you that your sister has gone through some challenges in life? Whether or not the challenges are a result of sin, her lack of faith, or whether they’re tests of faith is none of your business. You, follow me.

* What is it to you that this preacher fasts forty days and the other fasts three days? You, follow me.

* What is it to you that her whole life revolves around her family and kids? You, follow me.

* What is it to you that his wife is more “successful” than he is. You, follow me.

A wise man once said, “To love is not to compare “. To all our “comparison-inspired” questions, Jesus says, “Mind your business”.

I hope this gives you peace the way it’s given me.

Have a great week.


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