Death’s Road, The streets of Gold & The Beauty of Heaven

Are you ready to “japa”?
I’ve intensely pondered this question in recent times. Albeit in a different way; Why do we congratulate people who have relocated to a different country? The answer is a bit straightforward because life is perceived as easier, and better. The standard of living is also perceived as higher. Also, when our loved ones relocate, we’re hopeful that they’d come visiting some day or we too might be opportune to travel to visit them or even relocate ourselves. 

This brings up another question… Why do we view the passing of our loved ones with a note of finality? Why is death seen as an end when the Bible has given us strong pointers to the indescribable beauty of the afterlife for those who follow Christ? Do we believe that we’ll see our loved ones again? Do we believe they’re better off over there than over here? Do we believe we’ll be better off over there than we are here? If we do, we ought to mourn like we believe.

It’s basically impossible to live life without experiencing or witnessing loss. But we understand through the scriptures that believers do not mourn without hope. We miss our loved ones today but we’ll be reunited with them someday.

If you’re not sure you believe, Jesus loved you so much that he died so that you don’t have to die eternally. He rose so that you can live eternally (see John 3:16). You can accept Him into your heart right now.

If you’re reading this and you’re going through the loss of a loved one, my prayers are with you. You’re not alone. You’re loved. Your feelings are valid. You’re well understood. There’s yet hope of a glorious reunion.

“For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die.”

Isaiah 57:2 NLT

Have a blessed week.


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