The Silence of truth and The lie it Told

“Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong.”
‭‭( -Paul. Corinthians‬ ‭13:6‬ ‭TPT)‬‬

The undeniable truth is that we all care about peoples’ opinions of us, in varying degrees, though. This applies more to those we love and respect. We’re elated when they’re happy with us, and bummed when they’re not. Because of this, we often find ourselves sacrificing truth on the altar of love and respect.

We do not want to offend those we love, so, we betray the truth by our silence, we assume that this would cause peace to bloom. Likewise, we cower in the face of truth, believing we’re honouring those we respect.

On the flip side, truth, when told without love and respect tends towards cruelty and insolence. Two sides of a balance scale which should never be lopsided. We tell the truth because we love. We confront the truth in love. 

When we love, speaking and accepting truths comes with the package.

Have a blessed week.


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